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My journey began when I was child and I was repeatedly attacked by a demon. As a young adult I wanted to learn more about my experiences. I began researching them and journaling my dreams. I didn't know it at the time but my journals would become very valuable to me. I saw a pattern emerge. What I was dreaming about days, weeks, or years before was happening in my waking life. I want to encourage others to journal their dreams because what is inside of you does create your reality. My faith in God has gotten me through many dark nights. My spiritual path is difficult and anyone in search of truth will know it's not easy to follow God's calling in your life. When you do finally encounter God it changes you forever.


My encounter with the Friend at the age of 24 would change me forever.  It's as if that moment of encountering my twin soul my spiritual gifts multiplied.  I deepened my love for God and began my esoteric studies.  My devotion and the longing for God in my heart is what I attribute God's blessings He has poured into my being. 


At the age of 32, I had my Kundalini Awakening. At the time my marriage was falling apart. I found myself in my Dark Night of the Soul and in an instant God satisfied my deep yearning for Him. I emerged with a new eyes to see humanity and a new understanding of the karmic relationship I was in. Ten years later I would find myself divorced. My world once again turned upside down and my faith tested.


The Unseen World is veiled from those who do not wish to attain enlightenment.  God's Light is in everyone but the degree of receiving the Light in the vessel (the body) greatly is proportionate to the giving portion of the vessel.  The more outpouring of love and sincerity in a person's heart; the more Light the vessel is able to receive.  This is the nature of God.  God gives abundantly with no restrictions.  It is up to the individual whether or not he is able to expand his heart and consciousness in order to receive the Light. 


If you are a devoted seeker of God study the Gnostics, the Kabbalah, the Bible, The Pistis Sophia, Rumi and all sacred texts.  There is hidden meaning in them and true understanding will only come with devotion.  The mystic has the knowledge of the hidden meanings because of the direct experiences that are uncovered.  This is a personal journey for the soul.  It is a return to the Real Reality.  This is the World of Shadows and Illusions.  Christ knew this truth about the Light body and that the physical body is mere clothing the soul wears.  All the prophets and the Saints knew this truth.


It is my prayer that humanity wakes up and remembers our sacred place in the sacred circle.  The repeated lesson the soul needs to remember is to love thy neighbor as you would love yourself.  As simple as it sounds- it is the lack of understanding humans have in this age old wisdom that has led to segregation, wars, and prejudices.  If we can eliminate hate in our hearts, we can begin to heal as a world.  One can not see gravity or magnetism, yet these things exist. Why is it so hard for man to believe in God?

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